Friday, April 15, 2011

ExaM dAH dEkat....

assalamualaikum...wah..dah lamer xtulis ape2 dalam blog nie.....teringin nak share pulak hari nie...mggu nie minggu last sebelum  study week....well aku ade cti lebih kurang 2 mggu sebelum final exam...
tapi bukan nak ckp lah,mggu akhir nie aku sgt2 letih.....

aku rase semua kwn2 akupon letih jugakkn.....maklumlah,dgn test2,project lg.....aku pulak semalm baru siap project far...walaupon pakai hentam jek, atleast aku buat lah jugak....nie dah nak balik umah,so aku nak ckp lah....mase memang bnyk lagi sebelom knape aku rase mcm nak stdy dah xsempat....exam just around the corner, tapi aku still nak balik rumah jmpe adk2 aku...n then layan cerita2 yg aku ade..then baru stdy...bkn ape,nak releasekn tension before start stdy.......

ape2 pon...sebelom exam n semasa exam kenelah jage kesihatan...skrg nie aku tgah sakit ulser..nak mkn pon ssh....dahlah ade gastrik...nilah akibatnye xminum air masak bnyk2,,,,huhu

secret garden...:)

east of eden,,,,
save the last dance for me.....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


             Alhamdulillh,TONIGHT...our group super duper senior has presented for the first question.....all of us very nervous because we are the first....but Alhamdulillah we manage it although i suppose to explain more,but automatically i lost my words.....Then we continue with second group that is naziroul group....they manage to get our attention..although i was facebooking...huhu,he (nazi) manage to get my attention to speak louder with others, our class became more interesting and 'KECOH'....then hassan group, they manage to give more information about the implementation phase that i think very important in the final exam that just around the corner.....
Next, again airie group make all of us is because  airie say something.....i thingTONIGHT...we all having good time during our friends make presentation.....not because we make fun of them but we are encouraging them by our own way...don't you all agree with me....Next,daus group...i cannot hear because typing this sorry to firdaus groups........
then diela group make presentation...i try to listen to them, and i can see that oh...diela group is second last..then fad group's will be the last group will be TONIGHT end our PBL session for this semester in this subject...Errmm, maybe it last presentation but it does not mean that we does not need to study for the test and the final......We hope that all that we have learn during this semester will be used in the,that's all for TONIGHT......