Sunday, December 4, 2011

I AM DONE.....

Hello everyone.....
it's being along time since my last post an entry...well, supposed things not planned very well...
for your information, there is a lot of things happened to just that i not update it because i really don't have time and bit lazy to write anything in my blog....well that not just the case it also because my internet problem also contribute to this problem..haha, like i'm blame something else don't you all agree....blame every thing else except yourself.....okay now for real...there are reason because i write in English...i know that my grammar is very weak but i need to try,at least to improve it in the future.
As i said...there are reason i'm writing in English, I'M DONE...with my practical training...yippie, but that's not the end...i need to submit my report 2 weeks after my practical training...right now i'm struggling to finish it, actually the truth is i'm not starting anything yet....
huuuuaaaa,.....what i'm gonna do, well this is me..trying to search for and excuse to escape myself....
Let's remind myself that  i need to face the reality that in front of me rather than hiding myself in a shadow...
let's be brave just a report but it is your mark....
And for my friends that still in practical hope they do their best.....
i need to think about my report right now....IDEA...IDEA...IDEA...

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